Welcome to the Hori-Zone group of companies
Contrary to the established practice in the Hungarian domestic market, our company strives to offer a quick and effective response, a complete solution to all the client’s problems. We aim to provide all our clients with a single company solution for all existing and future security needs, giving our clients peace of mind that their security is in safe hands.
Our success is due to our multinational professional relationships, our team of experts, our high-quality technical systems, our quality- assurance certification, and the expertise of our staff selected individually for their specific skills and strengths.
In addition to simple, quick-to-solve issues, we also provide effective solutions to our clients professionally handling larger, more diversified, and protracted cases. We ensure that we always carry out our assignment discreetly, in accordance with our principles of legality, professionalism, and reliability.
Since its foundation in 2003 with the establishment of Hori-Zone Információs és Biztonsági Iroda Kft., the complete satisfaction of our clients has been the aim closest to our owners hearts. This can only be achieved by our providing a high-quality service.
Both are nationally recognised representatives of the private security sector. The high level of professionalism of the company of groups is guaranteed by the manager – responsible for its operational and professional oversight, – who served for two decades in law enforcement, first as a subordinate, then as head of department before becoming Police Commissioner.

Company Seat: H-1093 Budapest, Lónyay u. 11. II/4.
Office: H-1117 Budapest, Bercsényi u. 25.
(ALLEE Corner Irodaház, Bercsényi Torony)
Phone: (+36 1) 216 3956
Fax: (+36 1) 266 6896
E-mail: [email protected]